
Let the show begin!

By on 10 August 2016

Finally I have time to write something. First opening of Olympics. That’s obvious that I hadn’t tickets to Maracana (probably I need to sell my kidney to buy it) but on giant Olympics Boulevard where are concerts, Coca-Cola gave for free a thousands of cans (which after are great business scavengers) you can jump on bungee, see Rio made by Lego bricks, and even be hypnotized by local preacher was a giant screen (but much bigger are on events in Żory). I thought that it’s a Olympics Games and they will check ours bags and I thought how to bring there beers but… there was completely nothing! You could brought 300kg of TNT and probably nobody would notice that.

IMG_20160804_165726Unbelievable amounts of coke! Thousand of cans! Cans for scavengers 🙂

IMG_20160807_183303Rio from aerial veiw

Opening as opening, everybody can see that in TV but not everybody could see how this international crowd in front of screen danced and sang together in front of the screen 🙂 I had shivers on all my body! Do you know how wonderful felling is when you are in the middle of multicultural crowd and you don’t know who is from where? And when they flamed most wonderful Olympic Torch people had tears in eyes… Tears shrivel crazy dance when this international wave overflowed on streets.


I felt that I’m watching opening ceremony with whole world

2And that are only these groups which had flags. How many was without?

IMG_20160805_221909I’m waited and finaly here ther are! I’m waited and finally here there are! That was really nice when funs fro different countries groups together and when theirs teams showed up their shouted and sang together. But even more interesting was when only one girl from some island on Pacific had fun when whole world saw her national team. One girl in the middle of thousands – only one but not alone.


And how many selfies with Olimpic Flame you have? 🙂


Fast-food on wheels. It’s so simple – you put inside your car pots and stop on the middle of the road. That’s it! Nobody ask about permissions. Beautiful, simple and tasty!

IMG_20160806_063527Sunrise in the city

Few words about Brazilian real love – football. They’re watching completely everything, there’s no matter that is playing theirs national team or Ivory Coast and Egypt. And what is most interesting 22 womens running witch leather bag made the same emotions than 22 guys running for the same bag. I was in match of Brazilian national team but because I didn’t read to end and I went to… female team match! Unfortunately they didn’t exchange hers t-shirts…


Everybody’s watching. In small groups in front of small shop… (the boy in middle just lost few reales in sport betting)


…and on big crowds on stadium. But emotions are the same!


And another thing about security. Maybe you wondered how fun can run on playground. It’s simple, you just need to do something like – I made mistake and pushed wrong button in elevator and suddenly I were in level 0… and road was fully opened! Completely nobody secure entrance 🙂


One day we walked through city and suddenly we saw… playing table. 7 guys sat around the table and they just sang and played, and more and more people came from different streets! They all sing and dance! That city probably never will stop surprise me 😀 I like it!


Tables full of food and drinks…

IMG_20160801_192249…and playing table


Bar made on stairs. Everywhere lights, music, even place for TV. Next day there were nothing on that place.


We went also to Urca – small but probably most expensive part of Rio. If you will be in Rio and you don’t want to spend around 70 reales to go up in cabin to top of Sugar Head, you can walk around that hill and found small, colonials house, oldest universities in the city. Around port with where fishing boats are next to expensive boats. There is also magical bar. There are nothing special but on weekend evenings street and small wall in front that place is full of lovers of cold beer from small glasses, hot pastel de camarao during sunset and with sounds of Bob Dylan’s songs. Nice place 🙂


Small ships next to expensive boats

IMG_20160801_153227One of the oldest university in Rio and Brasil. For proof – amount of graffiti.


IMG_20160801_162509Magic dyke awashed with sun, laugh and music


Pastel de camaraon + cold beer = <3


I need to rest a little bit because I found two best friends – runny nose and sore throat. They drink in every place extremely cold drinks and also in every possible place they’re using air-conditioning! Outside you have only 35 degress (only because now here is winter 😉 ) and inside bus something like 22-23! So that’s my first time when I caught my first aid-kit and ate full hand of pills. I need to find power because whole Olympics is coming! Cross fingers for polish athletes!