Chasing the sunset – road to Rio part 6
I want to tell you about small city, chich I found here. Name of this place on the edge of the world is Olhao, and his citizen never seen snow 😀 Maybe that’s good because absolutely every piece of ground is tiled. That’s true that they’re shining like a diamonds but even small amouth of rain (or snow) and it would change in giant ice rink.
Small city witch recall me villages in Mexico – scratched, kitschy, which is not aimed for tourist (maybe the Portuguese only). Place full of sun, with beautiful tattooed, fishing boats and exclusive ships, and graffiti on absolutely every building in the city. Inhabitants spend time on searching shells or in many smalls, beautiful bars and cafes. Cafes where there is no music or is playing somewhere quietly, so people don’t need to shout to each other but they normally talk. Peace and quiet, like suspension in common warmth (when here’s 28C for local people is chilly o.O ). Even ambulance when is going to accident uses his signal casually. Someone is playing somewhere on piano…
Exactly that kind of place I’m looking for. Small, mainstream stranded. Where time is losing his meaning. If you’ll be somewhere here please pass by grey Faro and find that pearl. And what if whole Portugal is looking like that? 😀
Bom Dia!