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Road to Rio

Chasing the sunset – road to Rio part 4

By on 3 August 2016

Few words how I ate breakfast with Queen and slept sticked to Rock
Last hitchhike before Gibraltar was with Igor from Russia (he worked 8 years with polish workers in…

Road to Rio

Chasing the sunset – road to Rio part 2

By on 3 August 2016

Together with old coupe we gone through meadows in rhythms of local hits. I decided to change my plans and not go to Metz (where I decided first to…

Road to Rio

Chasing the sunset – road to Rio part 1

By on 3 August 2016

Finally it’s a good time to write down everything down what’s happened during my road to feets of original Jesus from Świebodzin (we’ve also one in Poland and it’s……



By on 10 July 2016

Farewell. Not preparing, buying stuff, terminating contracts, fears – saying goodbye is the most difficult thing. You see this people only few times during year, you are scattered throughout…