Ometepe. Island hot as watermelon
22-24.01.2018. Rivas 108,6km /// 1556,98km
There are borders, which I name lines of crisis. It’s necessary just to walk few steps and there is completely different world, because from poverty to…
22-24.01.2018. Rivas 108,6km /// 1556,98km
There are borders, which I name lines of crisis. It’s necessary just to walk few steps and there is completely different world, because from poverty to…
10-12.01.2018 Arenal 88,9km /// 1298,88km
Finally I’m in Aranal lake covered by volcano with same name. I didn’t wanted to hike there and even less will I had after I…
26-30.12.2017. Tres Rios. 127,3km /// 1084,58km
After hiking on Cerro Chirripo I was so hungry, that in supermarket in San Isidro I put tones of food into my trolley. And…
9.12.2017. Barrio el Carmen de Abrajo. 9,3km /// 684,38km
Jump over border bar of Costa Rica seems like bureaucratic limbo. On window I was welcomed by polish sticker and information,…
1.12.2017 Boquete. 28,5km /// 529,54km
On road to Boquete I found perfect place to stay for night in Caimito village. Church with roof and tap water, and on playground next…