Browsing Category



In holey socket on roof of the world

By on 4 March 2018

9.02.-11.02.2017 Malpaisillio 34,4km///1875,28km
Leon was first capital of independent Nicaragua. When I compare present capital, Managua, with that place, I wonder why they changed it! Managua didn’t have so much…


Gringo found in cabbage

By on 25 February 2018

30.01-01.02.2017 Catarina 71km///1710,18km
Step by step I head north. Like thunder came information, that 90 days visa, which I received in border with Nicaragua, is for all countries CA-4: Nicaragua,…


Ometepe. Island hot as watermelon

By on 18 February 2018

22-24.01.2018. Rivas 108,6km /// 1556,98km
There are borders, which I name lines of crisis. It’s necessary just to walk few steps and there is completely different world, because from poverty to…

Costa Rica Nicaragua

How I became Chikitipo in land creaiting wind

By on 4 February 2018

10-12.01.2018 Arenal 88,9km /// 1298,88km
Finally I’m in Aranal lake covered by volcano with same name. I didn’t wanted to hike there and even less will I had after I…